Toronto Concrete Repairs


MISSISSAUGA CONCRETE MAKEOVER Project by Toronto Concrete Repair


By TorontoConcreteRepair on July 16, 2024

Hey there, Hubert here from Toronto Concrete Repair. We’ve been serving the Mississauga area for over 20+ years, specializing in all things concrete – from pouring new slabs to breathing new life into old ones. Today, I want to share a project I completed a few months back that really exemplifies the amazing transformations concrete can undergo.

The lovely elderly couple who reached out, the Johnsons, were dealing with a concrete eyesore around their entire house. Broken steps with mismatched flagstone on the bottom landing, a cracked and chipped side walkway, and a back patio in a similar state – all posing safety hazards, especially during the harsh Mississauga winters.

We’re talking uneven surfaces, trip hazards, and the constant worry of someone taking a tumble. Now, these were folks who’d clearly put in years of love into their home. They weren’t looking to tear anything down, just to make it safe and functional again. That’s where we came in.

Project Challenges

The homeowner’s primary issues were the dangerous steps, the unsafe flagstone on the bottom landing, and the treacherous walkways and back patio. These problems made it difficult for them to safely navigate, remove snow, and move objects. 

Given the extent of the damage, we needed a comprehensive approach to address each area thoroughly. Our plan was a complete concrete overhaul, a strategy designed to restore not just the functionality but also the aesthetics of their outdoor space. 

Here’s how it went:

Project Images

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Assessment and Planning: After a thorough assessment, we devised a plan to repair all the concrete surfaces sequentially. This allowed us to manage the workflow efficiently and ensure each area was properly attended to.

  2. Concrete RepairWe started by tackling each concrete surface individually. Cracks were filled with a special concrete compound that bonds seamlessly with the existing material, ensuring long-lasting repairs. Chipped edges were meticulously smoothed out, creating a uniform and safe surface. The entire area then underwent a thorough cleaning, removing any dirt, debris, or loose particles that could compromise the overlay’s adhesion.

  3. Concrete Curing: Concrete needs time to set properly, so after repairs, we gave everything a chance to cure completely. This isn’t just about letting things dry – it’s a scientific process that allows the concrete to develop its full strength. Think of it like baking a cake; you wouldn’t cut into it before it’s done, and concrete is no different. This ensures your new overlay has a strong, stable foundation to last for years to come.

  4. Concrete Overlay: Once the curing was done, the fun began! We applied a beautiful concrete overlay to all the affected areas. This isn’t just a thin layer of slapdash material; we use a high-quality, pre-mixed concrete specifically designed for overlays. It bonds tightly with the existing concrete, creating a seamless and durable surface. But the magic doesn’t stop there. The overlay comes in a variety of colours and textures, allowing us to create a look that complements the Johnsons’ home’s overall aesthetic. In their case, we opted for a textured overlay in a warm, inviting tone that instantly elevated the curb appeal of their property.

  5. Concrete Sealing: The final touch was a high-quality sealer that protects the overlay from the elements and keeps it looking its best. This particular sealer comes with a 3-year warranty, giving the Johnsons peace of mind. We use a penetrating sealer that soaks into the concrete, creating a protective barrier against water, salt, and other environmental factors. Not only does this prevent cracks and deterioration, but it also makes the surface easier to clean and maintain.

Project Outcome

The entire project took about seven days, and it was a true team effort. We take pride in our efficiency and keeping the disruption to a minimum. We communicated clearly with the Johnsons throughout the process, keeping them informed of each step and ensuring their questions and concerns were addressed promptly. Their patience and understanding were fantastic, and it made the entire project run smoothly.

Now, the transformation? Let me tell you, it was night and day! The Johnsons went from a safety hazard to a beautiful, usable outdoor space. The steps looked uniform and safe with a slip-resistant surface, the walkway was smooth and inviting, and the back patio became a perfect spot for relaxing and entertaining. They could now enjoy their outdoor space with confidence, knowing the risk of slips and falls was a thing of the past.

Testimonial Time: A Client Delighted

The best part, though, was the email I received from Mrs. Johnson after the project was complete. Her words were filled with relief and gratitude. She expressed how much safer and more enjoyable their outdoor space had become. She went on to praise our team’s professionalism, efficiency, and attention to detail. A testimonial like that is what truly makes the job worthwhile.

“Hi Hubert.

We attempted several times to get on google to write a glowing review of how happy we were with the job you all did for us but it kept rejecting us. We went  through the password process but it didn’t allow us to do a review.


Mary and Frank.”


This project in Mississauga is a great example of how professional concrete repair and overlay services can dramatically improve the safety and appearance of a home. Whether you’re dealing with cracked, chipped, or worn-out concrete surfaces, a professional approach ensures long-lasting results and peace of mind. 

If you have similar issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation. We’re here to help transform your space with quality and care.