Toronto Concrete Repairs



Concrete Repair & Concrete Overlay Project in Toronto

By TorontoConcreteRepair in Recent Projects

Revitalizing a Rental Property Entrance in Toronto, ON

At Toronto Concrete Repair, we believe in providing our Toronto clients with the best possible solutions for their concrete needs. This means prioritizing both aesthetics and cost-effectiveness. Recently, a property manager contacted us with a pressing concern (we also provide property management services). 

Their rental property’s entrance was in a state of disrepair, riddled with chipped flagstones and concerning cracks. This unsightly and potentially hazardous situation was deterring potential tenants.

The Challenge: A Deteriorating Entrance

The property manager’s initial thought was a complete replacement of the entrance. While a full replacement would certainly address the safety hazards and improve the curb appeal, we saw an opportunity for a smarter approach. 

Replacing the entire entrance would be a time-consuming and expensive undertaking. It would involve significant demolition, hauling away debris, pouring new concrete, and waiting for curing time. 

This would have significantly impacted the property’s vacancy rate and eaten into the client’s budget.

The Solution: A Cost-Effective Approach with Lasting Benefits

We proposed a solution that addressed the client’s concerns while keeping costs in check: concrete repair. Here’s why repair was the smarter choice:

  • Cost Savings: Replacing the entire entrance would be a significant financial burden. Concrete repair, on the other hand, is a much more cost-effective solution. By repairing the existing concrete and applying an overlay, we could achieve a brand-new look without the hefty price tag.
  • Minimized Disruption: A full replacement would require extensive work, potentially leaving the property vacant for a longer period. Repair is a much faster process, minimizing disruption for potential tenants and allowing the property manager to quickly get the unit back on the market.
  • Preserving the Existing Foundation: In many cases, the existing concrete foundation underneath the damaged surface is perfectly sound. Repair allows us to preserve this good foundation, eliminating the need for unnecessary demolition and disposal of concrete.

The Repair Process: Restoring the Entrance

Our team followed a meticulous process to transform the entrance:

  1. Flagstone Removal: We started by removing the damaged flagstone. The flagstone was in poor condition, with numerous cracks and broken pieces, making it unsafe and unattractive.
  2. Concrete Repair: Next, we repaired the existing concrete. This involved filling the cracks and mending broken areas to create a smooth and stable surface. This step was crucial to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the overlay.
  3. Concrete Overlay Application: The star of the show! A concrete overlay with a broom finish was applied. This unique finish not only provides a beautiful, textured aesthetic but also boasts several practical benefits:
    • Enhanced Safety: The broom finish creates a slight surface texture that improves slip resistance, especially during wet or snowy conditions. This is crucial for entrances that see high foot traffic.
    • Durability: Concrete overlay is a strong and long-lasting solution that can withstand years of wear and tear.
    • Cost-Effective: Compared to a full replacement, concrete overlay offers a significant cost advantage.
    • Aesthetics: The broom finish adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the entrance.

A Speedy Transformation

The entire project was completed in just two days. The property manager was extremely pleased with the outcome, as it transformed the entrance into a safe, attractive, and inviting space for potential tenants. They expressed their satisfaction through an email testimonial, praising the quality and efficiency of our work.

Testimonial Time: A Client Delighted

The results were beyond impressive. The repaired entrance looked brand new, with the broom finish adding a touch of modern style. But most importantly, the safety hazard was eliminated, creating a welcoming and secure entrance for potential tenants.

Here’s what the property manager had to say in their email testimonial:

“Hi Hubert.

We attempted several times to get on google to write a glowing review of how happy we were with the job you all did for us but it kept rejecting us. We went  through the password process but it didn’t allow us to do a review.


Mary and Frank.”


This project highlights our commitment to providing practical and efficient solutions for our clients. By opting for concrete repair and a broom finish overlay, we delivered a safe, attractive, and durable entrance that met the client’s needs and budget.

If your property’s concrete surfaces are showing signs of wear and tear, don’t jump to replacement. Contact Toronto Concrete Repair today!

Our experienced team can assess your needs and recommend the most cost-effective and practical solution, whether it’s repair, overlay, or a combination of both. We’ll help you restore your concrete to its former glory, improve safety, and enhance your property’s curb appeal – all without breaking the bank.